At Adapt & Thrive we pride ourselves in providing exceptional health care.
Your journey at Adapt & Thrive begins with a thorough chiropractic exam where we will learn all about what brought you to us, your health challenges, and your health goals.
During your care at Adapt & Thrive we will re-assess you and use this as an opportunity to fine tune your care to best meet your needs and goals.
Like a musical instrument, your body can fall out of tune, diminishing the beauty of your music. The adjustment is your tuneup. Dr. McNeill will check in with your body each visit and craft the perfect adjustment for you, initiating the adaptation and healing your body needs.
As being in tune becomes the standard for you, your body will start to evolve in its level of health. Each day you will be building a more well connected, more robust, more adaptable you.
For the boost we all sometimes need.
Dr. McNeill is here for you and wants to guide you on your health journey.
It is possible to just barely live - to have just enough health not to die. Too many amazing, loving, generous people live lives of bare survival. Health is a superpower, make it your superpower! Get coaching from Dr. McNeill to turbo charge your health journey.
Health = Adapting and Thriving
Every moment of every day your body is striving to adapt to the challenges of life. Health is your ability to adapt and thrive despite challenges to your body.
What determines your level of health?
Coordination of Function - Can the body coordinate and respond appropriately to the challenges of life?
The adjustment restores neuro-coordination and function.
Resources for Health - Does the body have the resources necessary to adapt?
We teach you how to eat a nutrient-dense health supporting diet.
Stress from the Environment - How intense is the challenge?
The healthier you are (steps 1 and 2) the more stress you can adapt to and through.
Before becoming a chiropractor, Dr. McNeill was a teacher and coach. At Adapt & Thrive we teach health, we teach the lessons that Dr. McNeill always wanted to teach his students, how to live well.
You will be healthier, feel and perform better once you get adjusted. From here you can choose to take a leadership role in your health and we will teach you how. Dr. McNeill takes seriously the health potential of every human and is committed to help you live your potential.